Ushuaia in winter

Diferente....e maravilhoso! 20 dias de pura diversão...seja escalando cascata, esquiando em pista ou fora delas, andando de raquetes e quase caindo em castoreras congeladas, seja esquecendo parafuso depois de algumas horas de caminhada morro acima! Só não gostei mesmo de cair nas pistas geladas do ski de fondo...dói muuuito!

Veja o vídeo pra ter uma idéia do que rolou! (em breve, estamos resolvendo o problema, rs)

Ushuaia in winter

Amazing location to explore in winter. Stay at La Posta hostel, the nicest place in town. Way to many things to do, and honestly, 20 days is not enough. You need way much more than that to do whatever it is that you wanna do, be it ice-climbing, skiing down hill or cross country, snowshoeing, or even, just enjoying a great cordero. The only thing I would not recommend is ski de fondo, as it really hurts when you hit the hard ice!

To see what happened during my trip, take a quick look at the video (being edited due to excessive size).

Down south again…

06/07/2009 - Once again, in my July vacations, I had to run away from Brazil…I was really unsure of where to go this time…couldn't decide whether to go back to Peru and suffer with the altitude again, or go to Ushuaia and try some cascades and skiing for a change…after much pondering, I decided to go down south and try something different this time...also a bit because of the good company I'd have down there and people I'd like to avoid on the other end...

Anyway, so I got my ticket way before hand this time, just to make sure I'd get a not so expensive flight and assure a place too. Of course I didn't know there would be a crisis in Argentina because of the Swine Flu and that flights would get almost half price cheaper…unlucky me this time, I guess…Not a problem! Can't quite remember