
Ok, esse é só um desabafo!! Segundo o Detran, a cada dia em São Paulo, de 800 a mil carros são lançados no trânsito de São Paulo. Os velhinhos vão ficando e a indústria automobilística vai vendendo cada vez mais, o que é um bom negócio para a economia (me corrijam se eu estiver dizendo besteira, pois economia nunca foi o meu forte). Enquanto isso, vamos ouvindo na rádio, "215 km de congestionamentos na cidade". Ok, talvez essa kilometragem seja um pouco exagerada e ocorra mais em dias de chuva ou vésperas de feriado, mas números como 160 km já se tornaram normais. Fico feliz quando escuto 90 km de transito lento! 90 km!! Só pra ir na fisioterapia, que levaria 15 minutos de ida e 15 de volta, levo 2 horas, uma pra ir e outra pra voltar! E isso quando o trânsito está razoavelmente bom! Gente, isso não pode ser normal!!

Ao mesmo tempo, todos os dias, vejo lançamentos imobiliários homéricos em vias que já não comportam nem o tráfego atual, como é o caso da Raposo Tavares. Lá, apenas do km 10 ao 19 são 4 lançamentos, condomínios de prédios, com umas 10 torres de 30 andares cada uma, com duas vagas na garagem por apartamento. Imagina o montante de carros que vai ser injetado na Raposo quando eles estiverem prontos?? E o que as autoridades fazem pra melhorar a situação? Um "puxadinho" nas vias de acesso à rodovia...

E isso é só pra falar de uma região...É, eu realmente não pertenço a este lugar... salve-se quem ficar...215 km será a rotina diária do paulistano...e eu não quero estar aqui pra ver!

São Paulo has been a city where driving is impossible. Every day we hear on the radio at rush hour that there are 160 km of slow traffic in the city. That´s for a normal day...on rainy days or a day before a long weekend that numbergoes up to 215, when not more. I get really happy when I turn on the radio and hear that there are ONLY 90 km of traffic jams. I´m sorry, but that can´t be normal!

Every day, about 800 new cars are added into the streets of SP. While this may be good for the economy of the country, it can only cause us more problems. New cars are added and no old cars leave. That means more and more traffic jams. The distance that once took me 15 minutes, now takes me an hour.

And what´s worse is that the authorities are not even a bit worried. If you drive (or walk, since driving is almost impossible) around the city, you will see many new apartment buildings being launched in areas that already do not support the traffic existent. Running a distance of less than 10 kms in Raposo Tavares - which experiences enourmous traffic problems already- you can see 4 new sectors of apartment buildings, each with about 10 towers of 30 floors each. Taking into account that each tower will hold at least 2 apartments and each apartment will have 2 parking places, you imagine the amount of cars washed into the area.

And what do the authorities do to improve the traffic in these areas?? As we say in Brazil, a "puxadinho", which mean sloppy emergency construction work done to temporarily fix a problem.

Yep, this is Brazil. 215 km of slow traffic is our near future...Save yourselves, because I really don´t want to be here to see this.

Rio 2009

Finally, the big day!! Climbing in the mountains of Rio de Janeiro!! I'd always tried to climb in Rio, but something always ended up messing up my plans. We stayed at a hostel. A nice one! Ok, not so nice and not so clean either, but I did have a private bathroom, a nice view AND the owner was pretty amuzing! Even the weather, which has been acting funny this year, was perfect. We had the perfect conditions!!

Curso de Gelo, El Chalten, Jan 2008

Em janeiro de 2008 fui pelo CAP (Clube Alpino Paulista) fazer o famoso curso de gelo. Tinha acabado de fazer o CBM (Curso básico de montanhismo) e tinha me saído bem, então achei que deveria arriscar e fazer logo o curso de gelo. Digamos que sou um pouco ansiosa e imediatista e não gosto de esperar muito tempo pras coisas acontecerem...tá, talvez um defeito meu que eu tenha que trabalhar...quem sabe nessa ou na próxima vida...mas resolvi fazer o curso assim mesmo.

Foram 11 dias desde a saída de El Chaltén. Começamos com
Marins Itaguaré Bat-volta

Finalmente um final de semana de sol e sem casamento! Ademir ia trabalhar, então fomos eu, Cris, Marcelo e Daniel (Japonês). Pra quem não conhece o japonês, nunca diria que ele é!!

Saímos sábado, não tão cedo de SP e já chegamos lá um pouco mais tarde do que a gente pretendia, ms tdo bem. Chegada prevista no Itaguaré lá pelas 21hs. Depois do sempre alô pro Miltão, seguimos. Minha mochila estava razoavelmente leve, então a subida inicial, que é sempre um porre, foi até tranquila. Pelo menos pra mim e pro Marcelo. Acho que a Cris e o Dani não acharam tão tranquilo assim, já que só se ouvia o Marcelo: "Anda Cristiane!" Aliás, viagem inesquecível com os dois figuras.

Como queríamos chegar logo,

Can't wait for 2009 to finish

Yep, that's right. I've had enough of 2009...Ok, I can't complain...Antarctica (or should I say, subantarctic islands) and Ushuaia...but that was pretty much it! Ok, there was Rio and Espírito Santo too...

After coming back in January, very few weekends of climbing. Weekend climbing/hiking trips were at a premium...I finally managed to go to Rio...just to have Ademir fall over and sprain his ankle...back to the touristy area...

Ushuaia in winter

Diferente....e maravilhoso! 20 dias de pura diversão...seja escalando cascata, esquiando em pista ou fora delas, andando de raquetes e quase caindo em castoreras congeladas, seja esquecendo parafuso depois de algumas horas de caminhada morro acima! Só não gostei mesmo de cair nas pistas geladas do ski de fondo...dói muuuito!

Veja o vídeo pra ter uma idéia do que rolou! (em breve, estamos resolvendo o problema, rs)

Ushuaia in winter

Amazing location to explore in winter. Stay at La Posta hostel, the nicest place in town. Way to many things to do, and honestly, 20 days is not enough. You need way much more than that to do whatever it is that you wanna do, be it ice-climbing, skiing down hill or cross country, snowshoeing, or even, just enjoying a great cordero. The only thing I would not recommend is ski de fondo, as it really hurts when you hit the hard ice!

To see what happened during my trip, take a quick look at the video (being edited due to excessive size).

Down south again…

06/07/2009 - Once again, in my July vacations, I had to run away from Brazil…I was really unsure of where to go this time…couldn't decide whether to go back to Peru and suffer with the altitude again, or go to Ushuaia and try some cascades and skiing for a change…after much pondering, I decided to go down south and try something different this time...also a bit because of the good company I'd have down there and people I'd like to avoid on the other end...

Anyway, so I got my ticket way before hand this time, just to make sure I'd get a not so expensive flight and assure a place too. Of course I didn't know there would be a crisis in Argentina because of the Swine Flu and that flights would get almost half price cheaper…unlucky me this time, I guess…Not a problem! Can't quite remember

A little bit about this blog... / Um pouco sobre este blog...

The reason why I decided upon this name is pretty much because this is what it really's a blog to share my experiences with friends and family, and whoever else gets interested. A bit of my life, be it in the mountains, in the water, in the air or with my camera. Be it climbing, paddling, diving, jumping, or shooting.

This blog will be written in two languages, English and Portuguese, since I have friends who don't read English and others who can't understand Portuguese. Sometimes, the main text will be in Portuguese, some others, it will be in English, it will all depend on my inspiration on the day I'm writing the text. But I'll make sure to write at least a few notes in the other language after the main text to make sure everyone can understand what's going on.

So I'd like you, my friends who have always shown interest in my trips, to be able to come along, tp share my thoughts and feelings and to see some of the amazing places I have been fortunate to visit. So if you have the time and want some adventure, I invite you to join the ride. I hope you have fun...I'm sure I'll have had...